For too long now I’ve been lost in the weeds of productivity, which has actually had the opposite effect of actually making me less productive. Why? Because my last novel, Alternative Medicine, took me almost six years to complete and I wanted the next novel to be in your hands much sooner. To this end, I’ve been trying to streamline my productivity systems. However, my core work as a writer is writing, and anything that isn’t writing is, at best, supplemental and, at worst, a distraction that makes me less productive. It took me a while to get clarity on this.
I’ve taken to the simple habit of writing every day.
I’ve stripped away a lot of things which – for me, at least – were counter-productive, such as elaborate, inter-connected notes systems and the entire concept of a second brain. I’m trying to avoid app-swapping, where I endlessly cycle through writing softwares, which seems to be a particular weakness of mine. I don’t need another writing app. I simply need to write. And I am writing.
I’ve also looked at how I communicate with my audience. Some strategies of marketing have worked for me, while others haven’t. In the coming months this website will become a central hub for all news about my writing, as well as a resurrection of my YouTube channel, where I haven’t uploaded a video for four years!